Technology. It's become our world. Today's society thrives on its use. Some are aware of the technology that is used on a daily basis; the younger generation. Others know not what they use but what they accomplish as then end result; the older generations. Technological literacy has been somewhat taught to those who know what they use, and ingrained in those who use it without even having to think. How do people without technological know-how function in our world? They don't. It is our job, as the educators of society, to help these people reach their maximum potential within technological bounds. Today's leaders have become role models because they can master the uses of the tools and technologies used and their capacity for processing these new technologies has outsized that of their foes.
According to ITEEA, "Technological literacy is the ability to use, manage, assess, and understand technology."
"Those who are technologically illiterate are being left behind due to the ignorance of post industrial technologies and accepting that ignorance as inevitable," says Science Shy, Science Savvy, Science Smart by D. Fort.
"Throughout history, every significant increase in human productivity has involved better use of better tools." says R. Bennet, Chair of the Utah Strategic Planning Commission.
Examples of being technologically literate are: using word processors, e-mail, software used to give presentations, Internet, spreadsheet programs, designing tools, and online learning.
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STEM careers have services such as job placement and consulting, which help people in the STEM fields.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics all use technological literacy. Careers like web site designers, environmental biologists, computer engineers, and statisticians use technological literacy on a day to day basis.