Work Cited

  • Cheryl, Buelher. "Information Permission." Message to Dakota Thompson. 21 Feb 2013. E-mail.

  • Davis, David. "Photograph Permission." Message to Dakota Thompson. 21 Feb 2013. E-mail.

  • Research, Pew. Image Permission. 2006., Washington, DC. Web. 21 Feb 2013

  • Leonhard, Gerd. Photograph Permission. 2012. Media FuturistWeb. 21 Feb 2013. . Yardley, William. "Online Newspaper." 16 Mar 2009. RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA, Online Posting toSeattle Newspaper Shifts Entirely to the Web. Web. 22 Feb. 2013.

  • Hicks, James. "CNN App." 22 Feb 2011. N.p., Online Posting to CNN Launches App. Web. 22 Feb. 2013. .

  • MRelevance, . "News Statistics." 19 Apr 2011. N.p., Online Posting to Where Do You Get Your News?. Web. 22 Feb. 2013. .

  • Pew, Research. "In Changing News Landscape, Even Television is Vulnerable." Pew Research Center for The People & The Press. (2012): 1-6. Print. .

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