Pre-Digital Age

If there had to be one single media element that could be described as the greatest advance in technology,it would have to be the internet.Since the internet was formed in the mid 1990’s, the evolution of news media has evolved from a simple television or newspaper article, to an online edition which can be read from anywhere around the globe.Over 30 million americans get there news every day via the internet. People love the speed of the news they could receive from the internet.In some cases, many families stopped even watching the T.V. news to view their news online. As with any new technology, comes a few consequences. Many news stations are having to compete with the online world. In the early 2000’s,something that the news stations needed was created; a certain interaction network program was introduced and would change the way that the world viewed news. It would put every news station to the test to get the latest news out as fast as possible.This program is called Social Media.


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