Environmental & Natural Resource Systems


This Career Cluster prepares learners for careers in the planning, implementation, production, management, processing and/or marketing of agricultural commodities and services. This includes food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products. It also includes related professional, technical and educational services.

  • Agriscience
  • Forestry Management
  • Wildlife Management and Recreation


  • Pre­Requisites: None
  • Recommended Credit(s): 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9th

Description Agriscience is a laboratory science course that prepares students for biology, subsequent science courses and post­secondary pursuits. The content area includes ecology, biological processes, sexual and asexual reproduction and a study of the chemical and physical laws that govern life processes. This course helps students understand the important role agricultural science serves as industry moves into the 21st century.

Note: It was the consensus of both the industry representatives and the teachers that a student who receives credit in Agriscience should not be awarded credit in Principles of Agricultural Sciences and a student who receives credit in Principles of Agricultural Sciences should not be awarded credit in Agriscience

Forestry Management

  • Recommended Prerequisites: Agriscience or Principles of Agricultural Sciences
  • Recommended Credit: 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 10th, 11th or 12th

Forestry Management is designed to develop student knowledge of forestry technology. The student will develop skills in producing, harvesting, marketing and developing forestry products and public utilization. Forests are one of Tennessee’s most valuableresources.

Wildlife Management and Recreation

  • Recommended Prerequisites: Agriscience or Principles of Agricultural Sciences
  • Recommended Credit: 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 10th, 11th and 12th

Wildlife Management and Recreation emphasizes the awareness of conservation and preservation management practices utilized to ensure the sustainability of our outdoor resources. Integrated academics and experiential learning will build conservation awareness among students. This will, in turn, generate career interests and more responsible land ownership in the community as we enter the 21st century.