Information Technology


IT careers involve the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services. The IT industry is a dynamic and entrepreneurial working environment that has a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. In addition to careers in the IT industry, IT careers are available in every sector of the economy - from Financial Services to Medical Services, Business to Engineering and Environmental Services. Anyone preparing for an IT career should have a solid grounding in math and science.

Even in times of economic downturn, there is still a large market for people with IT skills in organizations of all sizes. ITAA expects continued growth opportunities within the IT field.

  • Web I - Foundations
  • Web II - Site Designer
  • Web III - eCommerce

Web I - Foundations

  • Recommended: Skills in Keyboarding
  • Recommended Credits: 1-2
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9th-10th

Web Site I – Foundations is the first level of Web Page Design, and it prepares students with work-related skills for advancement into postsecondary education or industry. Course content includes exposure to basic Web design and the dynamics of networking/internetworking, Web hosting and Web design in e-commerce, Web 2.0 technology, social networking, and implementing cloud computing or software as a service. The course content provides students the opportunity to acquire fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of Web design and of leadership and interpersonal skill development. Laboratory facilities and experiences simulate those found in the Web Page Design and construction industry.

Web II - Site Designer

  • Recommended: Information Technology Foundations, Algebra I
  • Recommended Credits: 2 credits – 1-9 standards 3 credits – 10-16 standards
  • Recommended Grade Levels: 10th , 11th, 12th

Web Page Design II – Site Designer is the second level of Web Page Design concentration, and it prepares students with work-related skills for advancement into postsecondary education or industry. Course content includes exposure to basic and advanced Web design, pixilated and vector-based Web graphics, Web animations, dynamics of Web hosting, and Web design in eCommerce. The course content provides students the opportunity to acquire fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of Web design and of leadership and interpersonal skill development. Laboratory facilities and experiences simulate those found in the Web page design and Web page construction industry. Further, this course provides for and directly maps to the Certified Internet Webmaster “Site Designer” national certification examination.

Web III - eCommerce

  • Recommended: Information Technology Foundations, Web Page Web Design I – Site Designer, Algrebra
  • Recommended Credits: 21
  • Recommended Grade Levels: 11th, 12th

Web Page Design II – Site Designer is the second level of Web Page Design concentration, and it prepares students with work-related skills for advancement into postsecondary education or industry. Course content includes exposure to basic and advanced Web design, pixilated and vector-based Web graphics, Web animations, dynamics of Web hosting, and Web design in eCommerce. The course content provides students the opportunity to acquire fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of Web design and of leadership and interpersonal skill development. Laboratory facilities and experiences simulate those found in the Web page design and Web page construction industry. Further, this course provides for and directly maps to the Certified Internet Webmaster “Site Designer” national certification examination.