Human Services


This Career Cluster prepares individuals for employment in career pathways related to families and human needs.

Based on the latest statistics, more than 7.2 million people are employed in human services occupations. Faster than average employment growth, coupled with high turnover, should create numerous employment opportunities.

  • Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Nutrition & Foods
  • Child & Lifespan Development
  • Life Connections

Family and Consumer Sciences

  • Pre­Requisites: none
  • Recommended Credits(s): 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9th-10th

Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) is a comprehensive, foundation course designed to assist students in developing core knowledge and skills needed for successful life planning and management. Content includes human development; family and parenting education; resource management; housing and living environments; nutrition and foods; textiles and apparel; leadership development; and career preparation. A unique focus is on the management of families, work, and their interrelationships. The course provides a foundation for further study in specialized related career areas.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the co­curricular student organization, provides students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth, and school/community involvement.

Nutrition and Foods

  • Pre­Requisite(s): Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) or Personal, Academic and Career Excellence (PACE) and Child and Life Span Development
  • Recommended Credit(s): 1/2 – 1
  • Recommended Grade Level(s): 10th-12th

Nutrition and Foods is a specialized course designed to help students understand the nutrient value, appetite appeal, social significance and cultural aspects of food. Students will examine the role of nutrition in the prevention of health conditions, such as obesity, and the promotion of optimal body performance throughout the life span. The course offers students opportunities to develop skills in the safe and sanitary selection, preparation, storing, and serving of food; meal management to meet individual and family nutrition needs across the life span; and optimal use of food resources. Instruction includes academic integration and technology applications. Careers in nutrition and food industries will be explored.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the co­curricular student organization, provides students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and school/community involvement.

Child & Lifespan Development

  • Pre­Requisites: none
  • Recommended Credit(s): 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9­10

Child and Lifespan Development prepares students to understand the physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth and development throughout the lifespan. Experiences such as laboratory observations, job shadowing, service learning and laboratory participation will enhance the learning process.

Instructional content includes child development theories and research; prenatal development; infantsand toddlers; preschool years; middle childhood; adolescence; adulthood; geriatrics; death and dying; careers; and leadership, citizenship and

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the co­curricular student organization, provides students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth, and school/ community involvement. Recommended Pre­Requisite(s): Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) or Personal, Academic, and Career Excellence

Life Connections

  • Pre­Requisites: none
  • Recommended Credit(s): 1
  • Recommended Grade Level: 11-12

Life Connections is a course designed to assist students in making a successful transition from high school into the post high school environment. Students will be empowered to take action for the well­being of themselves and others as they effectively manage the roles and responsibilities created by family, career and community interactions.

The role of communication in establishing and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships is emphasized. Skills related to decision making, problem solving, critical and creative thinking, technology, and workplace readiness practiced in Life Connections will provide students with an understanding of how to plan for and manage careers in an ever­changing workplace.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the co­curricular student organization, provides students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and school/community involvement.