- Websites Used
- Programs Used
- Copyright
Notice: The following sites were used in the research development of this PCHS TSA website. While the summaries were in our own words, the About TSA section had parts which were copied directly from the Nationl TSA site.
Research Sites
National TSA. Web. 13 May 2011. <>.
Image Sites
iClipart. Web. 13 May 2011. <>.
Notice: The following programs were used in the development of this PCHS TSA website.
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Adobe® Dreamweaver CS5® is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation. - Used in the main editing and coding of the Design Brief.
Adobe Photoshop CS5Adobe® Photoshop CS5® is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation. - Used to edit and optimize images for the Design Brief.
- Snipping Tool
The Snipping Tool® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. The Snipping Tool® is included in Microsoft Windows 7®. - Used to capture the code from the site editor to use as illustrations in coding.
Notepad ++Notepad ++ is a free downloadable program offered by Don Ho. - Used to help debug some of Dreamweaver's idiosyncrasies.
Internet Explorer 9Internet Explorer 9® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Internet Explorer 9® is a free downloadable program offered by Microsoft. - Used in researching information, obtaining images, and testing design.
Mozilla Firefox 4Mozilla Firefox 4® is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. - Used in researching information, obtaining images, and testing design.
Microsoft Word 2007Microsoft Word 2007® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. - Used to write the content for the Design Brief.
Microsoft Excel 2007Microsoft Excel 2007® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. - Used to create the graph which displays visual impairment statistics.
Windows 7 ProfessionalWindows 7 Professional® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. - Used to operate the above programs.
Notice: The following copyrights were used in the development of this PCHS TSA website.
Product logos and boxshot permissions:
- -Adobe product box shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- -Adobe® Dreamweaver CS5® and Adobe® Photoshop CS5® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
- -Microsoft product box shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
- -Mozilla Firefox logo reprinted with permission from Mozilla Foundation.
Research information was obtained from:
National TSA. Web. 13 May 2011. <>.
Images were obtained from:
iClipart. Web. 25 Feb 2011. <>.