Industry Standards

  • Description
  • Techniques 1-50
  • Techniques 51-100
  • Techniques 101-150
  • Techniques 151-202

World Wide Web Consortium ScreenshotThere are many industry standards pertaining to accessible web development. Many of these standards involve proper HTML and CSS, logical order of elements, and easy-to-navigate site maps. Examples of proper HTML and CSS include using relative units rather than absolute units in your coding and giving descriptive alt tags to all images. Also, elements should always be in a logical order.

For example, forms should be designed in a way that gives users who must use the tab key easy access to the boxes of the form. Lastly, site maps should be easily navigable. This is done by not using excessive links between the pages of your website. These are good tips, but there are many more standards involved with creating an accessible website.

On the tabs at the top, the techniques involved with achieving the industry standards pertaining to web accessibility for the visually impaired are copied directly from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 located at These guidelines were made by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

G1: Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area

G4: Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused

G5: Allowing users to complete an activity without any time limit

G8: Providing a movie with extended audio descriptions

G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media

G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes

G11: Creating content that blinks for less than 5 seconds

G13: Describing what will happen before a change to a form control that causes a change of context to occur is made

G14: Ensuring that information conveyed by color differences is also available in text

G15: Using a tool to ensure that content does not violate the general flash threshold or red flash threshold

G17: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

G18: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

G19: Ensuring that no component of the content flashes more than three times in any 1-second period

G21: Ensuring that users are not trapped in content

G53: Identifying the purpose of a link using link text combined with the text of the enclosing sentence

G54: Including a sign language interpreter in the video stream

G55: Linking to definitions

G57: Ordering the content in a meaningful sequence

G58: Placing a link to the alternative for time-based media immediately next to the non-text content

G59: Placing the interactive elements in an order that follows sequences and relationships within the content

G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds

G61: Presenting repeated components in the same relative order each time they appear

G62: Providing a glossary

G63: Providing a site map

G64: Providing a Table of Contents

G65: Providing a breadcrumb trail

G68: Providing a descriptive label that describes the purpose of live audio-only and live video-only content

G69: Providing an alternative for time based media

G70: Providing a function to search an online dictionary

G71: Providing a help link on every Web page

G73: Providing a long description in another location with a link to it that is immediately adjacent to the non-text content

G74: Providing a long description in text near the non-text content, with a reference to the location of the long description in the short description

G75: Providing a mechanism to postpone any updating of content

G76: Providing a mechanism to request an update of the content instead of updating automatically

G78: Providing a second, user-selectable, audio track that includes audio descriptions

G79: Providing a spoken version of the text

G80: Providing a submit button to initiate a change of context

G82: Providing a text alternative that identifies the purpose of the non-text content

G83: Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

G84: Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in the list of allowed values

G85: Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format or values

G88: Providing descriptive titles for Web pages

G89: Providing expected data format and example

G90: Providing keyboard-triggered event handlers

G91: Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link

G92: Providing long description for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information

G93: Providing open (always visible) captions

G94: Providing short text alternative for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information as the non-text content

G95: Providing short text alternatives that provide a brief description of the non-text content

G96: Providing textual identification of items that otherwise rely only on sensory information to be understood

G97: Providing the abbreviation immediately following the expanded form

G98: Providing the ability for the user to review and correct answers before submitting

G100: Providing the accepted name or a descriptive name of the non-text content

G101: Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way

G102: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation

G107: Using "activate" rather than "focus" as a trigger for changes of context

G108: Using markup features to expose the name and role, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes

G110: Using an instant client-side redirect

G111: Using color and pattern

G112: Using inline definitions

G115: Using semantic elements to mark up structure

G123: Adding a link at the beginning of a block of repeated content to go to the end of the block

G124: Adding links at the top of the page to each area of the content

G125: Providing links to navigate to related Web pages

G126: Providing a list of links to all other Web pages

G127: Identifying a Web page's relationship to a larger collection of Web pages

G128: Indicating current location within navigation bars

G130: Providing descriptive headings

G131: Providing descriptive labels

G133: Providing a checkbox on the first page of a multipart form that allows users to ask for longer session time limit or no session time limit

G134: Validating Web pages

G135: Using the accessibility API features of a technology to expose names and roles, to allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and to provide notification of changes

G136: Providing a link at the beginning of a nonconforming Web page that points to a conforming alternate version

G138: Using semantic markup whenever color cues are used

G141: Organizing a page using headings

G142: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that support zoom

G143: Providing a text alternative that describes the purpose of the CAPTCHA

G144: Ensuring that the Web Page contains another CAPTCHA serving the same purpose using a different modality

G145: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

G146: Using liquid layout

G148: Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using technology features that change those defaults

G149: Using user interface components that are highlighted by the user agent when they receive focus

G152: Setting animated gif images to stop blinking after n cycles (within 5 seconds)

G153: Making the text easier to read

G155: Providing a checkbox in addition to a submit button

G156: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that can change the foreground and background of blocks of text

G157: Incorporating a live audio captioning service into a Web page

G158: Providing an alternative for time-based media for audio-only content

G159: Providing an alternative for time-based media for video-only content

G161: Providing a search function to help users find content

G162: Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships

G163: Using standard diacritical marks that can be turned off

G164: Providing a stated period of time after submission of the form when the order can be updated or canceled by the user

G165: Using the default focus indicator for the platform so that high visibility default focus indicators will carry over

G166: Providing audio that describes the important video content and describing it as such

G167: Using an adjacent button to label the purpose of a field

G168: Requesting confirmation to continue with selected action

G169: Aligning text on only one side

G170: Providing a control near the beginning of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically

G171: Playing sounds only on user request

G172: Providing a mechanism to remove full justification of text

G173: Providing a version of a movie with audio descriptions

G174: Providing a control with a sufficient contrast ratio that allows users to switch to a presentation that uses sufficient contrast

G175: Providing a multi color selection tool on the page for foreground and background colors

G176: Keeping the flashing area small enough

G178: Providing controls on the Web page that allow users to incrementally change the size of all text on the page up to 200 percent

G179: Ensuring that there is no loss of content or functionality when the text resizes and text containers do not resize

G180: Providing the user with a means to set the time limit to 10 times the default time limit

G181: Encoding user data as hidden or encrypted data in a re-authorization page

G182: Ensuring that additional visual cues are available when text color differences are used to convey information

G183: Using a contrast ratio of 3:1 with surrounding text and providing additional visual cues on focus for links or controls where color alone is used to identify them

G184: Providing text instructions at the beginning of a form or set of fields that describes the necessary input

G185: Linking to all of the pages on the site from the home page

G186: Using a control in the Web page that stops moving, blinking, or auto-updating content

G187: Using a technology to include blinking content that can be turned off via the user agent

G188: Providing a button on the page to increase line spaces and paragraph spaces

G189: Providing a control near the beginning of the Web page that changes the link text

G190: Providing a link adjacent to or associated with a non-conforming object that links to a conforming alternate version

G191: Providing a link, button, or other mechanism that reloads the page without any blinking content

G192: Fully conforming to specifications

G193: Providing help by an assistant in the Web page

G194: Providing spell checking and suggestions for text input

G195: Using an author-supplied, highly visible focus indicator

G196: Using a text alternative on one item within a group of images that describes all items in the group

G197: Using labels, names, and text alternatives consistently for content that has the same functionality

G198: Providing a way for the user to turn the time limit off

G199: Providing success feedback when data is submitted successfully

G200: Opening new windows and tabs from a link only when necessary

G201: Giving users advanced warning when opening a new window

G202: Ensuring keyboard control for all functionality