On the web, there are assorted online activities to make becoming technologically literate fun and interesting. From, some activities are:
Computer Basics Mr. Ellis
How well do you know the parts of the computer? Play this game to check your level of knowledge of the computer and its related equipment.
Computer and Internet Terminology
See how well you know the terminology used today for the computer and Internet.
Computer Parts Hangman Sabrina Sterling
So you think that you know all of the parts of the computer? Try your luck with this hangman game.
Computer Parts Rags to Riches Sabrina Sterling
The ultimate test of basic computer part knowledge. Be sure to share some of your winnings with your computer teacher.
Basic Computer Systems Mr. Anthony
Input, Processing, Storage and Output parts of a computer system.
Technology Hangman Pamela Dooley
Do you know technology terminology? Play the game and see!
MicroSoft Word Test
This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 26.
Test your Internet IQ Mr. Williams
Identify the Internet and computer terms
Match your basic formatting icons
This quiz will test how much you really know your formatting functions!
Find the terminology used when creating desktop publishing documents.
Adobe Photoshop Quiz
This quiz is designed to test your skill in the general areas of Photoshop.
Excel game
Play hangman and practice spreadsheet terms
Vocabulary Computer Hardware Mr. Marc Doyle
Computer abbreviations Mr. Williams
Match the computer related abbreviations with their definitions
Business Letter Jeopardy
This will help you review for business letters and computer parts in general.
CPU Scramble C. Whitehead, A. Borom, T. Knight
Internet History and Exploration Paula Cobb
Internet history, terms, acronyms, tools, and exploration.
Enhancing PowerPoint Presentations C. Whitehead, A. Borom, T. Knight
Computer History Quiz Mrs. S. Warner
Handling Yourself on the Internet Ms. Sclar
E-mail, E-mail, Everywhere Bob Davis
These games will help a novice in the world of e-mail become more comfortable with basic e-mail concepts and terms.