
Information on the TSA Design Brief was found in multiple areas. Images were found from Any images not received from were created by TSA Web Team members. Videos were made by PCHS team members. Content was found through many different avenues such as; International Technology And Engineering Educators Association, Science Shy, Science Savvy, Science Smart by D. Fort, R. Bennet, Chair of the Utah Strategic Planning Commission, and the Tennessee Department of Labor.


This website was created by the 2010 Polk County High School Web Design Team.


The PCHS Technology Students Association site was hand coded using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. This site uses XHTML 1.0, CSS 2.1, JavaScript using a JQuery framework.

Images and Graphics:

The photos and graphics in this website were used by permission of Polk County High School and our TSA chapter. The photos were resized and optimized using Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Spry Assets:

Our Accordion Panel, and Tabbed Panels were created using the spry assets of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.


First - Research:

 We began researching the different elements of what would go into our website, which in our view is the most important part. We researched different STEM careers and developed our own definition of technological literacy. We put all of the information together so we could focus on building the website.

Second - Planning:

We drew up our blueprints using a pencil and paper first without using any software. This took a while, but we finally came to an agreement on what our site should look like. We drew these blueprints to keep our website consistent.

Third - Building:

To begin the building process, we used Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 for the main construction part of our website. For images and graphics we used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to edit or create all images.

Fourth - Finalizing and Proofing:

We have spent several hours testing our website to make sure everything was in place and in working order. The site was tested in a wide variety of browsers, including: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and Safari.

Works Cited

Fort, D. Science Shy, Science Savvy, Science Smart. Print.
"International Technology and Engineering Educators Association." Web. 8 May 2010. <>.
"Tennessee Career Information Delivery System." Web. 07 May 2010. <>.
"Tennessee Department of Labor." Web. 06 May 2010. <>.
"The University of Alabama." Web. 10 May 2010. <>.
"University of Georgia." Web. 10 May 2010. <>.
"University of North Carolina." Web. 10 May 2010. <>.
"University of Tennessee." Web. 10 May 2010. <>.