
Hello TSA judges!

There is a whole lot to check out on this fully-functional site, so the development team here at PCHS has decided to dedicate a page just for you to explain the process behind the site and introduce you to some of the site's top features.


Research Phase

Our first goal was to fully understand exactly what STEM is and to begin with developing content to help others understand why they need to be tech literate.

Web Development Phase

All of the content having been organized, we turned our sights to the designs.  The team created several rough drafts, considering styles and designs both relevant to the information and attractive to the target audience.  After deciding upon a layout, we converted the paper design to a digital one, primarily using Adobe Photoshop CS4 to create and optimize the graphics for the web.   Next, we proceeded to the coding step, in which we converted our design to a fully-functional website.  The website layout was entirely hand coded in Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.  We used XHTML 1.0 Transitional to develop our template used throughout the site and CSS 2.1 style sheets to ensure our design remained consistent throughout the site.  Other innovative technologies used include JavaScript powered by JQuery.

Testing Phase

The next step was to test our design.  We surveyed our target audience to ensure the site’s design was intuitive and usable. After allowing them to survey the site, we asked them a series of questions regarding usability, after which we returned to the development phase to correct our errors.  This process continued until our target audience was satisfied.  Finally, we proceeded to ensure that our site was compatible with current standards and accessible to as many potential viewers as possible.  We validated our website as both valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.1 and tested our website on a wide range of browsers.