University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Intermediate Algebra
- Algebra Workshop
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Statistical Reasoning
- Honors: Mathematical Reasoning
- College Algebra
- Finite Mathematics
- Basic Calculus
- Precalculus I
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Honors: Calculus I
- Honors: Calculus II
- Mathematics for the Life Sciences I
- Mathematics for the Life Sciences II
- Computer Literacy for Mathematics
- Matrix Computations
- Structure of the Number System
- Probability, Statistics, and Euclidean Geometry
- Differential Equations I
- Calculus III
- Honors: Calculus III
- Matrix Algebra I
- Honors: Matrix Algebra I
- Studies in Mathematics
- Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
- Honors: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
- Putnam Preparation Seminar
- Probability and Statistics
- Analysis I
- Algebra I
- Numerical Algorithms
- Studies in Mathematics
- History of Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
- Applied Vector Calculus
- Models in Biology
- Mathematical Modeling
- Combinatorics
- Probability
- Stochastic Processes
- Statistics
- Differential Equations II
- Partial Differential Equations
- Complex Variables
- Advanced Calculus I
- Advanced Calculus II
- Honors: Advanced Calculus I
- Honors: Advanced Calculus II
- Matrix Algebra II
- Abstract Algebra I
- Abstract Algebra II
- Honors: Abstract Algebra I
- Honors: Abstract Algebra II
- Geometry
- Differential Geometry
- Honors: Topology
- Numerical Analysis
- Numerical Algebra
- Industrial Mathematics
- Readings in Mathematics
- Undergraduate Honors Seminar
- Senior Honors Thesis
- Seminar in Mathematics
Animal Science
- Introduction to Animal Science
- Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
- Biotechnology and Management Practices in Animal Production
- Horse Handling and Care
- The Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation
- Honors: The Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation
- Comparative Animal Nutrition
- Honors: Comparative Animal Nutrition
- Principles of Animal Breeding
- Honors: Principles of Animal Breeding
- Horse, Dairy, and Meat Animal Evaluation
- Animal Health Management
- Animal Nutrition and Production Systems
- Veterinary Entomology
- Honors: Animal Health Management
- Careers Seminar
- Advanced Reproduction
- Nutrient Evaluation and Ration Formulation
- Advanced Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Horse, Poultry, Sheep and Swine Judging
- Beef Cattle Production and Management
- Dairy Cattle Production and Management
- Pork Production and Management
- Poultry Production and Management
- Horse Production and Management
- Companion, Zoo, and Lab Animal Management
- Animal Science Field Study
- Independent Study in Animal Science
- Animal Science Teaching Assistant
- Ethics in Animal Agriculture
Computer Science
- Introduction to Computers and Computing
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Data Structures
- Computer Organization
- Lower-Division Special Topics
- Scripts and Utilities
- Fundamental Algorithms
- Discrete Structures
- Foundations of Software Engineering
- Introduction to Technical Computing
- Systems Programming
- Programming Languages and Systems
- Introduction to Scientific Computing
- Theory of Computation
- Senior Design
- Senior Thesis I
- Advanced Topics in Machine Intelligence
- Advanced Topics in Hardware Systems
- Advanced Topics in Software Systems
- Advanced Topics in Scientific Computation
- Numerical Analysis
- Numerical Algebra
- Advanced Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
- Independent Study
Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Seminar
- Fluid Mechanics I
- Aerospace Engineering Instrumentation and Measurement
- Compressible Flow
- Structural Analysis of Aerospace Vehicles
- Airplane Performance
- Professional Topics
- Aerodynamics
- Astronautics
- Propulsion
- Introduction to Aerospace Design
- Aerospace System Design
- Aerospace Engineering Laboratory
- Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering